Årsmødet 2019
Det 51. årsmøde fandt sted d. 24-25 oktober 2019 på Hotel Vejlefjord.
Årsmødet bestod af plenum-sessioner og 28 paneldiskussioner fordelt på feltets hovedområder.
Torsdag d. 24/10
9.30 Ankomst med let morgenmad
10.00 Velkomst ved formand Professor Michael Baggesen Klitgaard i Kongesalen
10:15 Session 1 (se panelprogram)
12:15 Frokost
13:15 Keynote og Q&A ved Prof. Torben Iversen: Democracy and Prosperity. Reinventing Capitalism Through A Turbulent Century
14.45 Kaffepause
15.00 Session 2 (se panelprogram)
17.00 Individuelt aftalte møder (mulighed for adgang til spa (mod gebyr) eller gåtur)
18:30 Velkomstdrink i Brasseriet
19.00 Festmiddag i Kongesalen m. uddeling af DJØF-Forlagsprisen
Fredag d. 25/10
7.30-9:00 Morgenmad
09.00 Generalforsamling i Dansk Selskab for Statskundskab i Krystalsalen
9:45 Formiddagskaffe
10.00 Session 3 (se panelprogram)
12.00 Frokost
13.10 Bus til Vejle banegård
Hent det generelle program.
Hent panelprogram.
Hent liste over sektioner og sektionsledere.
The 51th Annual Meeting took place 24-25 October at Hotel Vejlefjord.
The Annual Meeting consisted of plenary sessions and 28 panel discussions covering most ares of political science, such as:
- Actors, Institutions and Public Policy
- Comparative Politics
- EU and Europeanisation
- International Politics
- Political Behaviour and Communication
- Political Theory
- Public Administration
See the programme.
See the programme of panels.
See the list of sections and section leaders.
This year's key note speaker is Torben Iversen, Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University.
As part of the academic programme, the Association will award the DJØF Publishing Prize.